Do you dread homework? You are NOT lazy!  You DO care!  You CAN do this with the right tools!

Homework Club Image

Exhaustion, sensory overload and poor executive functions of the brain are the biggest barriers to independent completion of homework in a timely manner. We have solutions to help each of these barriers.

Fran Templeton will use an innovative student/parent team approach in a small group format to help you plan, organize, start and finish your homework.

Who: Middle and High School Students and the Parents of these children. Students who will benefit the most are students with Autism and ADHD.

When: Mondays after school 4:30 – 6:30 pm

Where:  Our Office Classroom

4:30 – 5:30 Fran works directly with the students
5:30 – 6:30 Parents and children work together as a team

Cost:  $40 for two hours

Call Fran Templeton at 817-454-6501 to get involved in this unique program. 

There is limited space so call soon to save a spot!