Fran Templeton, the owner of Neurodiverse Spectrum Services, has been working continuously in the field of autism since 1994. In the early years, she contracted for public schools to develop and implement In-Home and Parent Training programs. In 2009, she began to work exclusively with adults with autism. During this time period, Fran has developed and wrote several adult transaction curriculums that assist adults in the transition process from high school life after school.
These curriculums include “The Social Commencement,” “Pioneering Independence,” and “Get Up and Go,” a curriculum specifically developed for adults with both Intellectual Disabilities and Autism. She has also developed the Social Behavioral Workplace Readiness Assessment. In addition, she has co-authored with her son, Christopher Templeton, “The Social Breakdown” a curriculum that addresses specific social problems encounters by autistics trying to live in a neurotypical work. Much of her independent curriculum development is based on some of the founding principles of Michelle Garcia Winner’s “Social Thinking.” In addition to her training from Michelle Garcia Winner, she is also trained in the TEACCH method and Verbal Behavior Method.
Since 2009, she has been approved ASD Supports Provider for the Texas Workforce Solutions-Vocational Rehabilitation Services. Fran provides specialized life coaching services to clients at the office, in their homes and in the community, depending on the need.
Fran graduated magna cum laude from Texas Woman’s University with a Bachelor of Science in Family Studies. Much of her knowledge is experiential in nature, as she is the mother of a 39 year old autistic son, and has literally worked with hundreds of autistics and their families.